Friday, March 11, 2005


i'm grumpy and i don't really know why, things are just kinda blah. i feel like i've been in such a rush or something this week and i don't like it. and when i try to slow down, it just doesn't happen. when i get home from work i have my little 'alone' routine of checking my email/ doing computer stuff/watching tv for about an hour all by myself without disruption. that means no talking or phone calls or questions or chatting on msn. and this is really hard to do when i am currently temporarily living with my parents who have all sorts of unimportant things to tell me the instant i get home from work. so today i walk through the door and my mom starts throwing silly questions at me and i run to go hide in the basement. the second i turn on my computer my ex messages me and makes me switch from icq to msn so he can show me something. once i'm on msn, someone else messages me...and then the phone rings. i thought my brain was going to f-ing explode. and i finally tell my ex that i've got to go and he keeps messaging back with annoying things like "ttly", "talk to you later", "give me a call", and all this stupid shit. i've already said 'bye', ok? so leave me alone.

so now i'm grumpy and tired and have to make myself cute to go out in a few hours when all i really want to do is sit around in my pjs, watch law&order, eat m&ms and fuzzy peaches, and wish for a pox to fall on my evil boy nemesis.



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