Friday, December 23, 2005

here it comes....

well, i think i'm going to take a christmas blogging hiatus. i'd prefer to sleep through the next 4 days but that's not really an option. wish me luck people, i'm gonna need it.

have a great christmas everyone.

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

tucker carlson, fuck off.

"Canada is a sweet country. It is like your retarded cousin you see at Thanksgiving and sort of pat him on the head. You know, he's nice, but you don't take him seriously. That's Canada."

so i guess most of you read that in the paper today. if you didn't, here's a link. yeah, a bit of a fuckwad, huh...

i think Tucker Carlson is like your crazy aunt Debbie's redneck alcoholic asshole 3rd husband. You see him at the holidays, he talks all sorts of bullshit and you just have another glass of wine, roll your eyes, and don't worry too much because soon enough they'll be divorced and he won't be around to irritate people anymore.

*note: actually, it was the 'retarded' comment that really irked me. seriously man, does no one think about what they say before they say it anymore?

Monday, December 19, 2005

i am an ungrateful bitch...

ever have a friend who you've known forever....cough.....24 years...cough, but somehow doesn't know anything about your personal style? i do. she just sent me a christmas present....and i love her but she obviously has no idea who i am.

it's a bracelet very similar to this, but a cuff:

ok. blog people. you don't 'know me' know me but do i really look like a girl who likes pastel cat's eye? please tell me no. i said, i'm an ungrateful bitch.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

my boyfriend is so fucking talented.

i just wanted to share what i think is the best picture i've ever had taken of me as an adult. J took it of course, when i wasn't looking the sneaky bugger. i look so calm and relaxed....if this is how he sees me, i'm doing ok.

Monday, December 12, 2005

oh really....

Amorous Goddess Offering Gratification and Orgasms

Friday, December 09, 2005

Option #2....kiboshed, these are for chicks with no hips, thighs, or ass

these are the pants erin suggested. i love them as well and apparently they're reversible so that would rock...2 in 1, how can you go wrong? I'm going tomorrow to check em out and hope they don't cost an arm and a lef.

the company that sells it has a 'manifesto'. it always worries me when people have 'manifestos', they have this cultish thing about them that creeps me out. anyway, this one was kind of cute, earthy, health conscious, and generally innocuous....until i got to this one:

"Just like you did not know what an orgasm was before you had one, nature does not let you know how great children are until you have them. Children are the orgasm of life."

so let me get this correct. if i don't have kids, i'm missing out on the 'orgasm of life'? to that i have to say, go fuck yourself mr. manifesto. i'll find my own orgasm of life that doesn't involve kids thank you very much.

*update to pant shopping: tried these on tonight, looked horrific. seriously horrific. i won't go into detail but it involved gaping and bunching and crotch issues. they are obviously not made for a girl with a curvy ass. plus they were $95. back to the drawing board and choice #1.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

intervention needed....

i'm very tempted to buy these 95 dollar dance pants.

please stop me. why am i acting like i have the money or something?

Monday, December 05, 2005

since when is cheating on your wife romantic?

yeah, bored and uninspired, that's why i haven't been blogging. the stupid things kids do at school aren't enough to amuse me anymore. people ask me what i want for Christmas and i say "a good paying job with health benefits and for my dad to not be dead". that shuts em up pretty fast.

i'm seriously hating everything. i'm hating the stupid cold weather. i'm hating stupid boys who treat my girlfriends like garbage. i'm hating stupid rich girls who wear LuluLemon clothes to go out for dinner.

J and i went to see 'I walk the line' last night and i was a total fucking irritable biatch. the movie was only about 2 hours and 15 minutes long and during the film about 30 grown-ups got up to use the fucking bathroom. and because i was sitting near the back, i'd hear them every fucking time the goddamn door would slam as them went to relieve themselves. i nearly went snake. i wanted to stand up and yell "sit the fuck down you incontinent assholes!" but i didn't. and i'm sure J was very happy about that. plus, i was having an allergy itch attack and wanted to rip my skin off the whole time.

and after all that, i was kinda disappointed in the movie. i despise hairlip phoenix and thought he made cash look like like a halfwit. and if the movie was at all true to life, johnny cash was a fucking idiot who was lucky to have anyone put up with his fucking bullshit, nevermind marry him. whatever, i'm just grumpy....but don't fucking try me.