Monday, April 18, 2005

Sin City rocks! aka jessica alba, can i please have your baby? pretty please...

i mentioned Sin City in an earlier post and i thought i should express my love for it in its own post. don't worry, no spoilers...

go see it, it kicks ass! not only because the only woman i would ever desert men for was in it (jessica alba, my movie wife...i even suffered through 'Honey' just to catch a glimpse of her glistening, golden, undulating abs....sigh....kay, the puddle of drool is starting to form...), but because it was awesome.

6 reasons it was good

1) bruce willis didn't piss me off for once. seriously, he was good (although he did look totally confused as usual).

2) i did not even recognize mickey rourke, this may be a comeback role for the man.

3) jessica alba, all oiled up and dancing with a lasso. mmmmm, that's reason enough to see it! down girl...

4) visually fucking stunning, would never know it was done with green screen. total eye-candy.

5) totally hilarious film noir melodramatic voice-over narration.

"the darkness covered me like a blanket. the cold...cold like my soul...empty."

i just made that up but you know, crap like that. that bullshit cracks me up every time. i want to write film noir voice-overs!

6) it was over before i knew it...that's the sign of a good movie.

3 signs Sin City was written/directed/produced by men

1) boobs and boobs in slooooooooow motion. kay, i got it. james king has great tits...i don't need to see them anymore.

2) asses, lots of asses.

3) bruce willis. all men seem to want to be bruce willis, i'm not quite sure why.

4 complaints about it

1) carla gugino has no ass. not digging the ass-less women.

2) elijah wood and his annoying, googly-eyed hobbitness. yuck! go away, i don't like you.

3) britney murphy, simpering bitch. why do you exist?

4) oh and josh hartnett....what the fuck? yeah, i'm sure they thought of you first when casting the role, whatever. what role josh, what role? (if anyone sees the movie and actually gets why he's there, please tell me...)

and semi-unrelated aside. while watching the pre-movie commercials, pictures of beyonce, j-lo, nicole kidman, cameron diaz, and natalie portman came on the screen and the guy sitting behind me says, "yeah, i'd do em' all", as though these celebs are just sitting around, waiting to have sex with him or something. why do guys say shit like this? and this isn't some 22 year old boy, this a grown man, at least in his mid 30s! it's like yeah man, you might do em' all but none of em' would do you and that's what really counts. so this other commercial comes on with a really ugly old man and gross teenaged boy and i say really loudly to my friend, "yeah, i'd do em' all"...dumbass.


Blogger ago-go said...

the grocery list comparison kicked my ass! that's totally it...that was awesome.

1:12 a.m.  
Blogger egan said...

Now I know why I love reading your blog, it's your final remark to the moviegoer. I think that is the best thing ever said to a movie patron. Awesome stuff I must say only because I could see myself doing the same thing.

Who's Jessica Alba? Oh was she on some Fox show that was filmed in Vancouver and supposed to take place in Seattle? How many darn things are filmed in Vancouver that actually take place there? My personal favorite is Rumble in the Bronx because Vancouver and the Bronx are so similar.

2:26 a.m.  
Blogger Megan said...

I'd totally do Bruce. You know, because he's just sitting there waiting to have sex with me.

10:20 a.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

egan --glad you liked my comeback! i have little patience for loud, immature, delusional men....that's why we get along.

and jessica alba is only the most beautiful woman on earth! i think i will post a photo for emphasis. i believe you're talking about that 'Dark Angel' show...yes, that was her.

megan, you're back! and why not do him if he's just waiting around? bruce is all yours baby...

10:25 a.m.  
Blogger egan said...

I would nail Bruce if I could. I know he wants me.

Ago, what do you say to movie patrons that insist on taking cell phone calls during movies?

10:45 a.m.  
Blogger Andi said...

I've been unsure about whether or not I should see it, but you've talked me into it. I love noirishness and visually stunning is always a pleaser. Josh Hartnett is the devil, though. One strike already.

3:39 p.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

egan --you're so cute bruce would totally do you, i know it!

and i've never had the pleasure of witnessing someone on their cell phone while the movie is actually playing...i can't imagine that my reaction would be pretty though...just wait, i've probably gone and jinxed myself!

andi --yes, josh-y is a total tool but that's not reason enough to avoid the'll see what i mean once you see it!

4:59 p.m.  
Blogger Matt S. said...

Totally sweet review of Sin City!

11:54 p.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

thanks sideshow. don't know if i'd really call it a review, more of "go support my girlfriend and enjoy yourself at a really good movie in the meantime"...

2:30 p.m.  

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