Monday, March 28, 2005

yay, i have bronchitis!

so after sleepless night #5 (yes, i was up and at the computer at 5 am again but thankfully didn't blog because i knew it would be boring as hell), i went to the doctor today because i've had enough of the aches and pains and cold sweats and cough syrup poison that isn't working. i hate going to the doctor because i find that because it's free, people go in whenever they're feeling the least bit sick and don't actually wait until there's something really wrong with them, so you end up sitting there for a long time waiting while people get told by the doctor to go to safeway, get some cold medicine and chicken soup, and go home and get some sleep.

so i go to the dr. and my mom says, "make sure you don't get dr. s". dr. s is this little squirrelly guy who types with 2 fingers and once started discussing my mom's x-ray with her and said she didn't have a broken ankle. problem was that she never had an ankle x-ray, she was there for sinus problems! nuff said. i finally get called in and lucky me, i get to see dr. s. he's still squirrelly as hell but he has finally learned to work the computer with more than 2 fingers....but he did drop my x-rays all over the floor. he also had a Lamb's rum mouse pad which really makes me wonder. so at least i don't have pneumonia. drugs, please get cracking!

a little boy 'whatever' update. so my devotion to the guy with the girlfriend died off about 3 days after the drunken bar evening (thank goodness). i figured it would but considering how much sense i've been making lately, you never know. anywho, i'm over it but i ended up talking to a mutual friend of ours who said he had emailed her about the evening at the bar and mentioned that he couldn't remember my name! he's trying to hook me up with his friend and can't remember my name? i talked to him the phone 2 weeks ago and he can't remember my name? i've hung out with him at numerous group things for the last 4 years and he can't remember my name?....yeah, is it obvious that this is rubbing me the wrong way? seriously, my name is not very popular, at least not for women my age (it obviously starts with 'a' but i'm still a big paranoid chicken....and winnipeg is too effing small), i have only ever met one person with my first name and that was in elementary school and she was younger. anyway, it's f-ing memorable so what the hell is wrong with him?

so yeah....if my attraction to him hadn't died on its own, this would have certainly killed it. being so damn smart it hurts is sexy but not remembering the name of a girl you've hung out with multiple times is just plain rude, self-absorbed, and so not cool. so there!

and my good friend 'l' came through with a connection to the j-ashton guy and a bunch of us went out over the weekend (2 couples and the 2 of us)....we went to see "guess who" staring the real ashton (i'm still having icky feelings from that movie, maybe i'll blog about that some other time). unfortunately i was stoned sky high on cold medicine and felt pretty flaky. we chatted a bit and i still think he's nice and cute but i don't think he's interested. you know when you're just pretty darn sure he has no romantic interest in you? yeah, that. so i guess i've got to start making another list...


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