Friday, March 25, 2005

stuff that surprises me...

the number of people who actually know, and will sing along to, 2 live crew's 1986 hit, "we want some pussy". i must have missed that day in school....i wonder if luther campbell ever imagined that 30-something suburban winnipeg white people would ever be having a "we want some pussaaaay" sing-a-long? weird.

(on a related note) the number of people who get offended by rude and sexual lyrics and videos rather than by how juvenile, stupid, or shitty the songs/videos actually are. personally, i think poor quality is way more offensive and insulting than some comical ass-shaking.

(surprised, but somehow relieved) that the movie "a thief in the night" has scarred many a church-going child. for a while i thought it was just me.

that not nearly enough people seem to think this shit is fucking scary and insane! blows me away. maybe the problem is they just haven't seen "a thief in the night"....

that in the 100+ years that cough syrup has existed, no one has been able to make a cherry-flavoured cough syrup that actually tastes like cherries as opposed to poison....and not even cherry-flavoured poison, just plain old red-coloured poison.


Blogger jennifer said...

Actually, the original green-death flavour of Ny-Quil is surprisingly tolerable. I find it much more palatable than syrups posing as cherry. Maybe cherry was never meant to be. Dimatap's (sp?) grape tastes just like grape Pucker. Why no green apple or orange??

6:25 p.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

is Pucker anything like Sourpuss? if so, i'm totally joining the Dimetap party!

1:14 a.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

....shudder....17 years after the fact i still have flashbacks about the guillotine scene. thank you so much baptist youth group rapture scare-tactics!

i think i need to watch the movie again as an adult and try to undo some of the damage. maybe in a 'group' again, but with a more mature perspective and a few bottles of wine this time.

3:41 p.m.  

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