Sunday, March 27, 2005

my uncle is dead...but no one told us

out of the blue yesterday, my dad asked me if there was anyway i could check on my computer if someone had died (he doesn't know very much about the internet...). he hadn't heard from my uncle or cousin in North Carolina in a while and was starting to wonder if my uncle was dead and nobody (meaning my fucking asshole wimp of a cousin) told us.

so today i tried looking up some obits in Charlotte newspapers and found one for my uncle. he died on Friday, March 4th, 2005 at the age of 90 and nobody fucking told us! my fucking asshole cousin had a funeral for his dad and didn't tell anyone! not the family in the US, not the family in Canada, none of us. so my poor dad had to call all of my cousins today and tell them that their uncle was dead. and has been for nearly a month.

i so want to get on a plane to Charlotte right now and kick my cousin's spineless ass....


Blogger Andi said...

You're not alone in having a fucking asshole branch of the family tree. We've had similar things happen in our family, and recently. One of my aunts was expected to pass away, and she did, and my uncle didn't call to tell us, so we heard it from a friend of his who called concerned about him. Then he started dating 4 days after she died. Jump on the plane, you'll feel much better. I wish I had!

11:09 a.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

i just don't get it. who thinks that is appropriate behaviour? it's just a lack of common decency! and how do you face the rest of your family after doing something like that? my guess is that my cousin will be 'unavailable' for at least the next year or so...maybe forever if we're lucky.

3:14 p.m.  
Blogger Andi said...

That was my reaction. I just couldn't believe any human would do that. And mine hasn't faced his family since. He's backed out on 2 trips here, and I'm sure he'll back out on more.

6:30 p.m.  

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