Thursday, March 17, 2005

Matiko Talia you are so hot....

since i've been feeling kinda shitty about things lately, here is my list of not so terrible things that have actually happened in the last couple of days....

i saw my grade 3s today
-they are the cutest, sweetest, nicest children i have ever met. so well behaved that at times i wonder if they are super-advanced realistic robots. i love them. and it's impossible to be grumpy when an adorable 8 year old girl asks you if "The Christmas Kitten" book is back or a cute little guy named taz (of all things) asks for a book on how to draw cartoons. too effing sweet.

i got my hair cut -i look very cute. very.

i caught some guys checking out my ass -i'm not always big on that but it was a surprisingly nice ego boost and made up a little bit for the multiple job rejections, being totally underemployed, and not feeling particularly attractive/desirable in general. so i may be unsuccessful, poor, and single but at least i have a nice ass!

i'm going to be volunteering at a pre Juno award event (the canadian version of the grammy awards, much smaller, way less eventful) -should be fun and maybe there will be some cute boys there.

i love these boots -love them! yes, i know i can't afford them because they would cost more than a week's pay but they are so beautiful....i shall remain happy just to covet them online for now.

the end


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