Thursday, May 19, 2005

elaborating on 'blah'.....

despite the assistance of sleeping pills, i still can't sleep through the night which means i'm totally lethargic and useless at work. battling a headache because the sun is in hiding...again. feel-good boy energy is only temporary because i can't fold him up, put him in my pocket, and carry around his calming nature everywhere i go, nor do i want to be dependent on him to feel good.

and i really miss my dad today.


Blogger Osbasso said...

Hang in there, gogo!

You need something to distract you. Like coming up with a submission for "Half-Nekkid Thursday"! You might have missed it--go check out my site.

BTW--is Ago-go the official new name? Do I have to change all my references to you now? Or is this simply a "phase"?

1:55 a.m.  
Blogger egan said...

I feel bad for you Ago. I have no idea once again what to say, but have been there before and know that it is a long road. Things will get better over time.

2:34 a.m.  
Blogger Joe said...


9:09 a.m.  
Blogger Benji said...

hey there, nice blog...feel better

9:39 a.m.  
Blogger Cold Hands said...

I have an idea - why dont you pack up your Monchichi and head down here and go to Austin with me?

I can promise a good time ;)

10:14 a.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

os, no need to change everything, i'm just trying something new. but if you're a real nerd you could just add a "See" reference.

i would love to make a submission for "Half-Nekkid Thursday" but alas i have neither a scanner, a digital camera, or photos of my body parts stored on my computer. i'll have to get right on that!

11:38 a.m.  
Blogger Osbasso said...

Ha! I'm not that much of a nerd!

The earring shots from a couple of weeks ago would qualify, if one of them was actually your own ear... Keep in mind that Thursday lasts until midnight! You still can do somthing!

1:02 p.m.  
Blogger egan said...

Big O, those weren't her ears silly. Or were they? I am fairly certain they weren't her lovely ears. Ago?...

2:16 p.m.  
Blogger Cold Hands said...

yes delicious one - please do get right on that!

I will try to post something from home tonight IF I make it home before midnight.

3:31 p.m.  

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