Friday, June 17, 2005

ha ha! fie on ashton (i.e. the word has begun to circulate...)

i'm hoping this is that last post i ever write about him.

everyone knows about the split now. he hadn't told anyone. everyone was shocked and thinks he's a fucking loser for dumping me over the phone. even his weird muscle-head friend thinks he's an ass. and people are m-a-d! which makes me giggle because i am doing fine. A-ok in fact...and i may have another crush already, but i'm going to keep mum about that for a while before i jinx myself.


Blogger Ian said...

Sssssh! I told you not to tell anyone about us.. Os is pretty sharp, he'll guess it's me..

1:33 a.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

no worries ian, os is still thinking about my tits...we're safe for a while yet.

1:38 a.m.  
Blogger Osbasso said...

No, Os is trying to figure out how to keep track of all the HNT submissions. BTW--did I comment on how good yours was? And because I use a Mac, the picture blows up and prints pretty well at poster size...

Glad to hear the putz is getting his! What a chickenshit for trying to keep it secret! Hope this one works out better (but control yourself!). Will this guy be able to handle stepchildren?

1:56 a.m.  
Blogger jennifer said...

Beware the power of the jinx! It's real!!!!

8:24 a.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

jen, i know!!! the evil jinx has fouled me up somethin' good before..that is why i will not talk.

9:03 a.m.  
Blogger yournamehere said...

Hopefully Asston will spend the rest of his life alone (kind of like me, only he'll deserve it).
Like they say, time wounds all heels.

10:12 a.m.  

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