went to a froofy gallery opening on friday night. a friend i worked with had some works in the show and a girl i attended high school with did too. this is my friend l's stuff. don't know if you can tell but those are giant naked women.
it was good except for the fucking old man comb-over security guard yelled at us for drinking in the wrong area, taking photos (sans flash of course), and using a cell phone.
for using a cell phone for fuck's sake!we were separated from my friend and i was just trying to call her and find out where she was in the building so we could leave. now this was not a quiet sunday afternoon, this was a fucking loud party with artsy people who thought they were way cooler than they actually are with a maniac dj wearing a mask playing the shriekiest hipster techno music ever. people are probably deaf from the noise. so why is me talking quietly on a cell phone for 60 seconds disruptive? fuckers.
oh, and those hanging thingees? i punched those. so there mr. security guard man.