diabetes update...
so i went to the doctor for the blood tests on friday. they took about 8,000 vials of blood. well, maybe actually 5 or 6...but it felt like 8,000. now i just have to wait (friday was a holiday so the test results won't actually be in until tomorrow at the earliest i'm sure) and see if the doctor calls me back. let's hope she doesn't, cuz that means bad news.
so the reason i think i'm sick...i went to visit my new doctor on wednesday and she looked at my blood sugar reading, from a test my old doctor had given me a few months back, and it was pretty fucking high. like 14.9 high. this wouldn't have been an issue except for the fact that diabetes is a huge problem in my family; both my grandparents on my mom's side had it, all 3 of my dad's sisters had it (and it pretty much killed them), and my mom has it. so yeah, i'm at risk. and my old doctor mentioned nothing about it. thanks, that's some good doctoring.
oh, and unfunny coincidence...the clinic i went to for the tests happened to be the clinic of my dad's doctor. yeah, the one who didn't spot his serious fucking heart disease. that sure made me feel good. doctors suck.
Yikes about the dad's doctor clinic. Let's hope there's nothing to worry about and that your tests come back negative. Drawing blood sucks.
oh, I totally agree about doctors sucking! My doctor gave me Vioxx - you know the drug that had one of the largest perscription drug recalls in history because I was having shoulder pains and wanted a letter to see a physiotherapist...she told me to go on this drug first and if the pain continues in a month then she'll write a letter.
Oh, and I once was given horse tranquillizer pills by a walk in clinic doctor cause I had the flu...
I hope you're ok :)
oh my...I hope the tests come back negative for diabetes. Is there any possible way to even prevent it if you have it that deeply in your fam history? hope it all works out and sorry you had to go back to the place that totally missed your dad's heart disease, nothing like adding salt to your wounds, sorry about that. hang in there babe!
Still hoping for the best here!!
Let us know as soon as you find something out.
thanks guys. bleah, this is so stupid...i'll keep you posted.
heather, what did the horse tranqs feel like? geez...
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