Wednesday, September 07, 2005

buy a trained monkey and call it ago-go...

my job is slurping out my brain through a big ol' bent up straw. but just in bits at a time, little brain chunks that fucking hurt like a bitch.

i've worked a total of 18 hours and i want to quit. the kids aren't even there yet.

i hate my job and anyone could fucking do it. i should just buy a monkey, put a dress on it, give it a date stamp, send it to work, and call it ago-go and no one would fucking notice. no one. i swear to you.


Blogger ~art said...

you would have to teach it to dance though.

1:07 p.m.  
Blogger Osbasso said...

Gotta say--that first paragraph is a keeper!

Hang in there, kiddo!

2:28 p.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

art, shit! teaching the monkey to dance will take at least a month of lessons....

os, see what happens when i go to work...i write total nonsense. hangin'.

steph, mexico is screaming my name. i think the monkey should be conservative, yet fashionably dressed in order to maintain the respect of students.

4:26 p.m.  
Blogger yournamehere said...

A retarded monkey with a spear through his head could do my job.

5:26 p.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

todd, maybe your monkey could marry my monkey.

5:44 p.m.  
Blogger Ian said...

A belly dancing monkey, whacking a date stamp?

Daaah, daaaah, dadadada, thunk!
Daaah, daaaah, dadadada, thunk!
Daaah, daaaah, dadadada, thunk!
Daaah, daaaah, dadadada, thunk!

That I gotta see.

7:43 p.m.  
Blogger Princess Pessimism said...

monkey dresses, gumie bears, crazy kids, , did i step into a willy wonka type blogg, or is it just that your blogg rocks and it's always full of the cooky news.

loving the wonder women, thatw cosyumes actually kinda hot, in a 50's house wife turned super heroin kinda way.

12:04 a.m.  
Blogger Andi said...

That's very descriptive and I feel a bit sick now. I felt the same way teachin' high school. Hang in there and something wondermous will come along for you.

8:30 a.m.  

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