Friday, July 22, 2005


holy shit, i am a boring blogger when i'm happy. and for the first time in over a year, i think i'm genuinely happy again. not just 'doing ok and faking my way through' happiness but actual, 'things are going well and i'm optimistic about stuff' happiness. unfortunately, this yields fewer good stories about stupid people and assholes who piss me off and that kind of thing. sorry.

i guess i shouldn't complain about being happy because i'm sure soon it will end and then i'll be back bitching and moaning and waiting to get screwed over again. until then, you'll have to deal with happy (and less interesting) ago-go.


Blogger Andi said...

I'm with ya. Happiness kills my creative drive and the snark. But I still think you're interesting even if you are happy. :oD

9:49 p.m.  
Blogger yournamehere said...

I was so happy a few weeks ago I almost renamed my blog "Kittens and Pixie Dust", but then the depression hit me like a sledgehammer. My blog was saved!

However, I hope you stay happy.

10:05 p.m.  
Blogger Ian said...

you happy people make me sick. :-)
Hang on, I aint been bloggin much lately either. Must be contagious..

11:11 p.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

happiness is always good for a while and then it goes old and boring.

5:39 p.m.  

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