Tuesday, October 25, 2005

sick sick sick....

i'm sick, sniffling and snorting, and today, almost passing out at work. that's all. pathetic and boring.


Blogger Megan said...

Join the club. I've been home for the last two days with the flu.

11:34 p.m.  
Blogger ago-go said...

i haven't been sick enough to miss work. just enough to make going to work more of a pain in the ass than it usually is. if i'm still sick tomorrow i may decide to stay home in bed.

11:42 p.m.  
Blogger egan said...

Yep, I have no idea what you two are talking about. What's it like to get sick? Does one ever get sick of annoying people?

1:59 a.m.  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you and me both!
i hope you are starting to feel better and that your nose is not so red you feel like a raindeer.

2:55 p.m.  

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