Saturday, February 05, 2005

why do you have to live on a fucking main route?

it really sucks when someone you are trying to get over lives on the way to and from everywhere you go. well, maybe not everywhere but on a major route that you drive often. and so on your way to work, to go shopping, to meet up with people, whatever, you keep driving by -not because you actually want to but because you have to...because that's the fucking way to get where you need to go! and you try to pretend that you don't notice, but you do. and you check to see if their car is there because it's impossible not to because it's in plain sight. and you check to see if their lights are on because you can just see. and when you plan an alternate longer route to get somewhere, you're still fucked because you're having to think about them in order to not think about them! fucking sucks. people i am trying to avoid should be forced to move to some hidden bay in the suburbs or the north end or somewhere where i will never ever happen to drive by.



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